
Could being molested when I was 2 still effect me?

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I've already posted this question in Psychology but didn't get many responses so am re-posting it here. Hope that's OK.

When I was 2 years old I was molested (some boys inserted an object into my v****a). I don't remember the actual event but I remember a lot of adults getting very angry/upset, including my parents arguing. Soon after that event my parents separated.

Neither of my parents have ever really discussed it with me. They have both acknowledged it happened but that's it. I think my brother may have been involved and that's why they don't talk about it.

Could this event still be effecting me now (at 18)?

I ask because I had other events happen throughout my childhood which affected me (being molested by my stepfather and a marriage seperation of my mother and stepfather) and I was wondering if the event at 2 is effecting me as well.




  1. I was when I was 7 not badly but a 50 year old man touching my b***s and other parts I pretending to be sleeping the whole time. It affects me now realllllly bad I just havent spoke about it. Even at the young age of 2 if u still remember yes will def affect u! Im going to counseling now for it and other things which I think were brought on by the molestation

  2. I think that it could be a possibility that it could still affect you (only because trough the years of birth through three the brain is making connections and everything that happens to you can affect these connections). However to know for sure you could only find out from a professional. If it bothers you enough to question maybe you should consider talking to someone who has the experience and knowledge in the field.

    good luck!  

  3. nope,surely not.

  4. Absolutely yes.  The subconsious effects of life events are far worse that the consious ones because they are internalized and usually very irrational.  Your body knows what it felt and your mind knows that everyone was angry.  That is a lot for a 2 year old to process.

    The fact that your parents split up shortly afterwards and that your mother and stepfather split up after your step father molested you will surly have extreme impact on your internal processing.

    Whether either of those break ups had anything to do with you or the events is irrelevant.  In your mind they were all your fault.

    Even if consiously you know you were the victim you are still going to feel like it was all your fault.

    Depending on the amount of sexual stimulation that may or may not have been felt during these acts of molestation your entire sexual make up will be affected.

    You will be attracted to the wrong people because they trigger that emotional response that you relate to sexuality.

    You may be overly sexually active, you may be completely protective of you body.  It depends on what your pshchy did with all of this stimulus.

    You should definitely seek counciling and I suggest a Bio-Energetic therapist.  They specialize in working with your body.  For every emotional reaction there is a physical one.

    I hope that you will get the help that you need and can move passed this to a better life.

  5. I Absolutely agree with Barksabi. Most definitely, and especially seen in the light of other events, it will still have an effect on you.

    Please see a professional to help you with getting rid of the guilt that you subconsciously experience. You have a wonderful life ahead of you if you can manage to get rid of the past that's holding you back.

    All the best.

  6. well yes, but probably pretty minimal compared to the other stuff.  

  7. Yes of course this can be affecting you. And the fact that your parnets do not talk about it with you can be one of the major problems. Although it may be hard and painful and emotional to talk about this it will be better for u in the long run. U need to tell them this bothers u and that u would feel better if they discussed it with you so u can get some closeure on this. Im really sorry it happened to u but i know when painful stuff like that happens even at a young age its better to talk about it then just keep it all bottled inside

  8. i think it does my step father molested me.and it still effecting me but i think is cos i still  live with him.But i would say just try n forget it.


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