
Could binary code be alien?

by  |  earlier

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So, this is a hypothetical question, but I'd like to know what people think. Being that the internet has no physical address, the military created the internet, supposedly, and no one person could explain a microchip or binary code, do you think the internet might have alien sources? I know what these things are, but who could explain how it works?




  1. sorry but your facts are off. al gore created the internet. al gore is a tree. that means binary is tree language.

  2. Binary code is nothing special at all, it got created by mathematicians. Mathematicians can calculate with many different number systems, from binary (base 2) to anything imaginable - cryptography for example is based on calculations which are using huge numbers as base.

    The ancient Egyptians already used a binary system for their calculations.

    Computers use binary math, because it is simpler to make them use on/off signals, instead of having more possible states. Some early computer designs used even trinary math (-1, 0, +1), but it was cheaper and more effective to use binary.

  3. You might not be able to explain binary and microchips, but many people can.  Try taking a computer programming class.

    You underestimate the human race.  We are not stupid.  We can build things on our own.

    You also overestimate the power of government.  The Military created the Internet?  Don't think they were to busy with, I don't know, actual military advances in warfare?  The Internet is a connection of computers!

    And the Military DID NOT invent the computer.  Oh, and the fact that the Internet has no physical address means nothing.  Address is just a term we use to identify a source of information, streaming from there to here.  And the pages you see aren't solid, they are just light projections based off of data coming from the "address."

  4. I am sure the people who designed the microchip could explain to you in detail how the microchip works.  As to the binary code, it is the language of computer coding.  Humans created it and software programers can explain to you how it works.  If you are really curious, just goggle it and I am sure you would find the answer

  5. what a stupid question (no offense) but why even ask that?

  6. not at all

  7. Binary code is nothing new.  Greek mathematicians in ancient times could give you a simple explanation.  The internet as we know it was originally created to allow universities and other places of learning to communicate with each other much quicker than using what we now call snail-mail.  It was created by a British guy called Tim Berners-Lee working at CERN in Switzerland.

  8. I seriously doubt it.

  9. Binary code is simply counting to base 2.

    what you view as traditional counting is counting to base 10, which is actually one of the most ancient numerical systems, originally developed by the ancient Egyptians.

    Babylonians used a counting system based on Base 60.

    Perhaps you should read the history books a bit more and the sci-fi comics a bit less.

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