
Could cell phone bills use less paper?

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Are there people who do not read all of the calls/texts listed in their cell phone bills? Would it make sense for cell companies to send out just summaries? If people want to look at all of the calls, they can request the "full list". I would think that would save a lot of paper.




  1. All my bills (cell, internet, electric, etc.) are emailed ... no paper.

  2. If you are really concerned about your cell bill, then you can request an electronic copy.

    The paper the companies use are printed on recyclable paper.  

    Having the full summary available allows some that are not internet savvy, or those that do not have access to the internet the ability to make sure they are not being ripped off.  Federal rules stipulate that they have to print an itemized listing of all activity.  This way, when you review your bill, you can make sure you are not being defrauded.

  3. My cell phone cost 48 bucks a month unlimited long distance i pay once a month and get no bills from them . Know my ex has a cell phone and they send her a bill Ive never seen so much paper work in all my life just for a bill . The envelope looks like an over stuffed couch

  4. Use e-bills.

  5. you're hot.

  6. My Aunt was complaining about that the other day! Yes I think they could do that. Maybe if they wanted it they could have it in e-mail form instead of through the mail. OR you could have an account on the website where you can check your plan or change the address where your bills are sent.

  7. My cell phone bill uses zero paper, I get it by email.  I also pay by electronic funds tranfer so no paper checks either.

    But why do you care, surely you don't think that reducing the quantity of paper will save trees.

  8. I agree,some how make it not a book.I guess the pay as you go is the most efficent in the long run.I have thought long and hard on letting my cell die off and get a pay as you go,now more....

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