
Could coloned animals be the answer to energy?

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if we coloned animals that were breed for endurece(like the liger (lion&tiger)and zowkey(zebra&horse) we could extract the energy spent by them into a reusable source of energy with maybe the same idea used in solar,wind,and hydo energy.i know we would need thousands of these animals but it might work i was just dreaming.




  1. I think that you alluding to energy production using methane as a source of power.

    We already have those. It requires a herd of roughly 300 cattle to produce enough energy to be viable.

  2. well ya it could work possibly but that is so cruel to the animals! thats horible, and mean. animal cruelty. not cool.

  3. wow that makes no ******* sense

  4. Lion and Tigers sound sooo exotic! Maybe we can use something that we have readily available. Manure, if we start using the waste from our farm animals.The methane that we get,forget offshore drilling.Do ya think?

  5. Well technically if you put a whole bunch of animals in hamster-wheel type things they could power the planet, but I don't think that'd be quite ethical. Cloning wouldn't help anything

  6. I think you mean cloned and NO they have no value to energy.

  7. what are you on about???? makes no sense

  8. try it yourself dumbass

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