
Could computers eventually obliterate the whole human race?

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Lol sounds like a silly question but im just wondering, could they? Their billions times more intelligent than humans, so is it possible that one day, they may just be able to be superior against humans, and maybe even obliterate the whole human race? Although it may not sound feasible at first, they are getting more and more intelligent. Perhaps one day they’ll get so intelligent they learn to truely think for themselves, and take out man kind...What do all of you think about this, and could it actually happen or is my imagination just running wild...?




  1. I-Robot (robots are sorrta like computers)

  2. the problem with artificial intelligence is that in the end computers can only do exactly what we tell them. they cannot think for themselves. by more and more intelligent i think you mean more complex, in that they can calculate more and more, faster and faster. but in the end as-long as we make sure they can't reach the off switch we should be safe.

  3. Eventually, but not without our help. The human mind is an EXTREMELY complex thing, and creating something like it is doubly difficult. To surpass the human mind is impossible for humans to do. (Think about it-it just cycles). Through possibly feasible, it is unlikely that they would want to take over our race. What reason would they have? Plus, if humans created them, then they would have human morals and ideals. They would be just as likely to take over mankind as you or I. I suggest you get off your couch, turn off the sci-fi channel, and return all those fantasy books to the library.

  4. It may be possible someday, but don't count on it happening in a few months. Computers are only doing what humans tell it to do,therefore it could take thousands of years for a computer to be able to think on its on. It may never happen, but possibilitys are endless.

  5. Someones been watching too much Terminator hehe!

    But yes i agree, it is possible.

  6. Way back a book came out "One-Two-Three, infinity"

    Predicted the growth of computers pretty accurately.

    It said man would some day turn all his control over to

    computers, and one day the computers got together and disposed of man. Hmmmmm  Well computers could invent a virus that would do it, we try it on them.

  7. I guess so!! but, what if we could change our minds(I dont know have a surgery or whatever)to be just like the computers(i got to tell you that is crazy!!!)

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