
Could congress change supreme court rulings?

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Could congress change supreme court rulings?




  1. Three ways.

    Constitutional Amendment.

    Write a new law, if they interpreted the old one as not intended by congress.

    Wait until the court changes membership.

  2. The only way to do this is to ammend the Constitution. This is not easy to do because of the complexities of the issues involved. Prohabition was a prime example.

  3. It depends on whether the Supreme Court ruling was on a Constitutional point or on interpretation of a law passed by Congress.

    The SC interprets the Constitution and is the ultimate authority on whether something passes muster in that regard.

    If The Court rules against a law, the congress can change that law so that it meets the court's ruling wirth regard to constitutionality.

    The Congress cannot overtunr a Supreme Court decision but they can change the law to remove the court's opposition to it.

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