
Could diabetes be caused by the lack of some kind of minerals or something else?

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Could there be an easy way to get a person with diabetes to be healed? What is it?




  1. Ask here.  A conversation on diabetes. I just saw them in concert. / Nick reveals during concert, live video, and pic

  2. In other words, you have tried to question the established theories and causes of diabetis written in books and read and understood by learned doctors who practice them on the human beings in the name of science and its various branches or medicines.  Those books says no and therefore you got an instant "no" as your first answer.  

         I am happy about the inquisitiveness in you and this could take you a long way than those who block their mind to any possibilities or options and believe what they read as scriptures and cannot be transgressed, come what may.

         What you eat is what you are.  The possibility of diabetis evolving out of wrong food intake in the longest run and the minerals as you mentioned cannot be ruled out with certainty by any one.   Giving them the name hereditory factory, genetical factor, insulin production, pancrease and its islands and malfunctions are the shallow surface.  

         I have seen at least one type of diabetis, a diabetis where Insulin is used, a diabetis where there is itching all over the body which turns into black scars as big as a pence or shilling, responding very fast to medicines and completely disppearing alongwith the recorded diabetic levels coming down to normal and leading a very happy life thereafter with one single medicine.   The medicine for those who are curiously looking at this writing, I shall herein mention is Arsenic Album 30 to 200 potency.   This medicines cures for sure these kind of diabetis.   In the case of diabetis where itching is on elbows and shoulders only, the itching is certainly cleared by Dolichos.30.alongwith diabetis if it is iatrogenic.   In the case of other types of diabetis, Syzegium Jambolanum Q and Uranium Nitricum 3X has helped in many cases to bring the  diabetis down to normal levels.  

          I have suggested to many Matsyendrasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana and other Yogasanas and those who have religiously practiced them have accrued tremendous benefits from the Yoga.   Many of the ailments are caused by lack of proper exercises and nourrishment and abuse of the body.  If they are corrected, the body will be free from ailments.  The more medicines you put into the body, more the chances of further abuse.   Live simple and naturally, think simple and naturally is all that the body is required to maintain perfect health.

        with best wishes.

  3. It is believed that Chromium levels along with lifestyle variables may lead to insulin resistance found in Type 2.  Vitamin D recently has been observed to influence how one's immune system functions, which may or may not be a catalyst for Type 1 (Autoimmune related).  In either situation, Diabetes is a condition that can be controlled through diet and exercise, but not cured.

  4. Type 2 diabetes can often be controlled or even eliminated by lifestyle changes--most especially losing weight.  I don't know if that's "easy", but it's often effective.

    Type 1 diabetes occurs when the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas die off and thus produce no insulin.  Most current thinking is that this is an autoimmune condition, but to my knowledge the antibody has not been found to prove that.  There is no nutrient deficiency associated with this to my knowledge--nor any simple cure.

  5. Type 1 is not curable.  Type 2 is highly manageable.  People can even go off medications IF they lose weight, exercise and eat cleanly.  Stress management is essential so a good yoga practice wouldn't hurt either.

  6. There is huge research that shows people w/ diabetes to be defiecient in vanadium (a rare earth), chromium, manganese.  Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise.  An "easy way" to heal a person w/ diabetes, especially Type I has not yet been found, altho' there have been some pretty miraculous disappearances of Type II diabetes from people's lives when they lose weight and put themselves on an exercise regimen that they stick to for life.  "Often Type II Diabetes can be controlled by diet and exercise alone, but oral medications or injections of insulin can be added if regulating the diet does not work.  Obesity is a major factor in type 2 diabetes, and a weight reduction program is often all that is required to control it."--Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Balch and Balch, MD   There is also a HUGE correlation between diabetes complications, and the functioning of the thyroid gland, to wit:  "Well-known researcher and author Stephen Langer, M.D., has noticed that neuropathies, together with other diabetic complications, disappear when thyroid hormone is administered.  Many complications of diabetes and hypothyroidism are a result of clogged arteries, which prevent the blood from delivering nutrients and oxygen and carrying off waste and debris."  --ibid.  When people undergo both gastric bypass surgeries, and successful Islet of Langerhans replacement surgeries, diabetes pretty much spontaneously disappears within days.  Unfortunately, in order to be accepted into a surgical program where new Islet of Langerhans cells will be implanted into your pancreas, you have to be an extremely brittle diabetic, who basically tried everything else and will eminently die without the surgery, not where most diabetics fall, especially in the beginning of their disease.  The gifts of diabetes are that a) unlike cancer, you get time to fix whatever it is in your life that led to this disease, and b) it forces you to be doing for yourself what you essentially should have been doing in the first place, eating well, exercising, getting up off your butt and turning that TV off, taking vitamins, minerals and herbs, resting when you need to, and being greatful for all you/we have.  And also eating a LOT less.

  7. Well, sure, it COULD be...except there is no good evidence to support that hypothesis.  

    There are two forms of diabetes.  The more serious, Type 1, aka Juvenile Diabetes, happens when the pancreas stops making enough insulin for the bodies needs.  This is thought to be an autoimmune disorder, and in many cases may be triggered by a viral infection.

    There is no cure for JD.  The only treatment is insulin replacement and diet and exercise.

    Type 2  aka Adult Onset, is definitely more of a lifestyle disease.  People of Asian and aboriginal background have a higher risk of developing it.  In this case, the insulin becomes less effective, or the cells develop insulin resistance.  Diet, wt loss, and exercise are key...and it can be "cured".  However many people aren't able to stick with the lifestyle advice, and may need medication to help their own insulin work better.

  8. no

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