
Could diving be dangerous for health?

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Could diving be dangerous for health?




  1. Diving could only be dangerous if you are not a professional or well-trained. If you are you must always concentrate

    and try to dive safely! '.-

  2. well, if dying is considered dangerous, yes, then it very well could be. As with any risk sport, proper training and equipment is vital to your safety.

  3. sometimes if it is done witout the correct procedure....

    improper diving technique can cause drowning which may lead to fatal...

    visi this site for more information

  4. it depends on your point of view. we were learning in physics about how the further down you go, the more pressure is put on your body. also, when you rise back up to the surface, you have to do it slowly, if you rise up too fast, you get bubbles in you blood. this is sometimes life threatening. The only solution to saving some is for them to be put in a high pressurised room, about the same as the pressure they were at when in the water, and for the pressure to be gradually released. This way, it is like then rising back to the surface properly.

  5. Deep sea diving can be a little dangerous it takes time and you have to train, otherwise deep sea diving without training can make you pop and ear drum.

  6. YES it can be require training and need to act safely and responsibly always.

    To touch on Jan's points:

    ...far down theres alot of pressure .....VERY TRUE.  At 10m you have twice the pressure exerted on you than you have on land.  At 20m, you have three times the pressure, 30m = 4 should already see the pattern. can get sick and you have to be put in a thing(like a brain examiner thing) for a while!.....this is called a decompression chamber and once again, you are correct.  The simplified physiologic effect is as follows: the deeper you go the more nitrogen gets loaded in your system to compensate.  With diving, certain aspects can allow this niotrogen to get absorbed alsewhere into your system rather than being expelled from your system altogether (this is DCS or decompression sickness and can be fatal).....if you get DCS, one major course of treatment is to go into a decompression chamber which simulates depth where they very slowly bring you from an artificial depth to atmospheric pressure.

    This is a simplified version but being a diver myself, I still enjoyed telling it.

  7. yeah,coz sometimes if you go nto far down theres alot of pressure and you can get sick and you have to be put in a thing(like a brain examiner thing) for a while!

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