
Could drinking 8 or 9 cups of strong tea every day be harmful to health?

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No sugar, skimmed milk.




  1. i guess it depends how much per cup and how much milk, tea or sugar you have per cup. i myself drink 6 cups a day and im 13. so not much has happened and i feel fine so it all comes down to tea, sugar and milk per cup.

    hope this helps


  2. I drink about that and apart from a slightly erratic heart beat at times (but that could be down to stress) I am fine.

    My father gets up at 6.00 am and then has tea every two hours throughout the day.  He is 71 now and I am told he is still alive.

  3. Yes

  4. No, drinking excessive amounts of tea will not cause you harm. You may experience stomach aches though, but this is not common. Stay away from bleached tea bags!!

  5. well caffeines=sleep deprivation

  6. 3 or 4 cups of tea are recommemned but anything more than that is not beneficial. instead, boil water and add the juice of lemon and drink that. its very detoxifying too.

  7. I drink about that if not more and im fine

  8. Regular tea has 50mg of caffeine every day. Strong tea has more but I can't remember how much. 8 cups of regular tea will give you 400 mg of caffeine each day. That is 100 more than the maximum safe level of 300 mg. So if you have a 9th or since it is strong tea you are getting much more than is considered safe.

    Immediate effects of too much caffeine are headaches, sleeping problems and dehydrattion. Caffeine takes more water to process than caffeinated drinks provide. So they actually dehydrate. When we are dehydrated we become tired and lethargic. So if someone consumes caffeine without offsetting it with extra water then they become tired and think they need more caffeine to give them a boost. This is a trap which leads to more severe health problems.

    Long term use of too much caffeine leads to problems with the heart, brain, skin, kidneys, and other organs. Combine the more serious long term effect problems with the immediate effects and this can be years of unpleasant problems.

    Normally I recommend only 3 - 4 cups of regular tea a day. With srong tea, like coffee I would only recommend 2 - 3 max.

    Try cutting back an increasing your water intake. Water will actually increase our motbolism and eneryg levels by 3% anyhow.

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