
Could eliminating waste negate the need to control carbon dioxide emissions?

by Guest56426  |  earlier

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I have noticed the absolutely incredible waste that citizens produce, in terms of energy and material resources. Newcomers from 3rd world, impoverished regions of the world have told me that they are "surprised" as to the amount we do waste! Now that I was told, I see it everywhere---from food left on plates, lights left on in vacant public buildings, computers left on, clothing in dumpsters that have nothing wrong with them, to wasteful thinking!!! My question is, if carbon dioxide is really the bugaboo that it is made out to be, could we not reduce emissions dramatically by cutting out waste in all human activities. The cousin of waste is inefficiency. As an aside, I think it is ironic that the industries that get the most finger pointing from enviro-activists, would be an exemplar to emulate. Industries are models of efficiency.




  1. I've thought how to reduce carbondioxyde dramaticaLLy..

    How about make a machine that can coaguLent the carbon in CO2..??

    Hmm.. but it's not easy way...

    Yeah, I think industries are the beginning with..,

    But we can say, that we can soLve this probLems with industries it seLf..

    And what can we do now is start from our selves..

    Use pubLic transportation..

    Not smoking..


  2. industry is efficient at creating these problems to begin with

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