
Could frequent urination be a early pregnancy sign?

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I'm wondering how early in pregnancy do u have frequent urination?i have not missed a period yet but im really tired all the times i have been urinating more than last period was august 5 its really irregular so im not sure if i have ovulated yet.i also had a miscarriage in early april.please help any answers will be gratefully appreciated.




  1. yes urination is a sign and maybe you should talk to your doctor.

  2. It is possible but this as a symptom alone is not enough to see if you are pregnant or not.

    It is best to take a test.  good luck!

  3. Yes but most likely you will have more than just that. I didn't realize it at the time because I wasn't expecting to be pregnant but when I look back I did have frequent urination. So yeah its definitley a sign but I would wait because most likely you ovulated around the 17th-20th of this month so you wont get a positive test until around the 17th-20th of September. But you could always go get a blood test done at the doctors office. Good luck!!!

  4. frequent urination is ONE of the sings of pregnancy but not necessarily mean your pregnant...a test is the best way

  5. Yes it is an early sign. Take a test. Good Luck!

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