
Could gasoline costs be rising also because of global warming?

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Like what has been done with the price of cigarettes. They figure if the price keeps rising then less people will drive. Cars could never possibly be replaced by hydrogen fuel cell cars,that alternative is just as harmful. The electric ev1 was emissions free, but with that car we could do whatever we wanted and for free, so they destroyed it, and they want to control our every move so they keep us oil dependant but burning less fuel. What do you think?




  1. Gasoline prices are up because crude oil prices are up, and crude oil prices are up primarily because the supply of money and credit are up.

    This is an asset bubble, just like the NASDAQ, metals, natural gas, housing.....

  2. Yes, because as we use up are earths resources things get more expensive. That is because it is hard to find some things like oil. So try to get invoved and save the envoirment. Before gas prices hit $10.00!

  3. Gas prices are up because of the war. When we all learn to get along and stop threatening to bomb each other, the gas prices will go down.

  4. yes and no. because if you think about it all the wars i think the money is sent to pay for not only to buy barrels of gas but to buy weapons

  5. well the electric cars are not free you still would have to plug them in to power them. and would have to withdraw a ton aof power from power plants just to charge them IF every one had them thus causing more need for fuel to run the generators. There is nothing wrong with hydrogen cars they are just as volitile as a gasoline holding car. the only problem is making it cost effective and secondly Water has to be exposed to sun light for a very long time after the hydrogen process has converted it back to water.  Another thing is with water shortages and droughts this may be a bad idea. Unless they revolutionised the process of filter sea water to fresh water. A very expensive process.

    The one thing I saw and Liked was the air compression engine which uses compressed air and injects it into the cylenders. A bit less powerful than the combustion engine however can reach speeds of 60 mph in less time than you think. However though the air we have is free which goes back to profits. The only way they could make profits on it is to literally tax the air we breath. The exuast system on this design cycles the air back into the tank so less fill ups.

    To fill up wold take 10 minutes if you had a high end air compressor or four hours with one of the plug in ones from your car.

    Global warming could be the cause like you suggest but. I think we are already in a state where run away warming is taken place. By all the melting sea ice already its a matter of time before the pockets of methane we see in our oceans are released causing major global effects.

    I think all the stuff being done today is too little to late to stop global warming.

    Doesn't mean we shouldn't try. all my stuff is energy efficient from light bulbs to electronic devices. I have a vehicle with a 4 cyl engine and I have tried all the tricks to save fuel. I even ride a bike now for things around town instead of driving.

    I don't believe war to be the cause of high oil prices because Iraq is pumping out oil and a lot of it is still coming to us. You could argue that America invaded Iraq to send oil prices up to drive up profits but I don't think there is much truth in that. Although it would make sense seeing 4 dollars a gallon.

    Another thing to consider about these prices is just pure gouging there is nothing in the market that would cause this drastic increase for oil to go up

    Saudi Arabia's main production facility is under is limit by 2 million barrels and to get prices down would only take and increase of production of 1 million barrels a day. There is no shortage in crude right now. However there are a shortage of refineries that can refine the crude into useable gasoline. causing some of the strain you see with supply and demand.

    again though there is nothing i the market that would dictate such an increase in oil. It is pure gouging prices and it may come back to bite them in the rears. Oil companies are seeing record profits for the same product. Usually a company see;s profits because of sales or the do something better than their competitors. But these companies are getting richer off simply increasing the price.

    Keep in mind I am factoting in the declining dollar and weakend economy.

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