
Could global warming have an effect on Human Health???

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Could global warming have an effect on Human Health???




  1. yep big time. one major problem is warmer weather and the expansion of the tropics, this will result in the spread of malaria ross river virus, and other tropical diseases.

    increase humidity results in fugal infections, as well as quicker rotting time of food.

    failed crops results in lack of food and therefore malnutrition.

    lack of clean/unsalted water

    the list goes on and on and on

  2. of course it effecting on human health. bear in mind that not only human, but animals and plants also will get the consequences from the global warming.

  3. Well considering a few decades ago scientist said it was global FREEZING I would guess no. It's been proven that the earth goes through undulations in the temperature throughout the years. I believe there is enough evidence against global warming that it doesnt exist.

    However, I would guess living in the country air is better than nasty city air

  4. yes, we will all be healthier.  this is what happens during times of global warming.  longer growing seasons, and more arable land.  more rainfall means fewer droughts.  the pax romana and the renaissance were both enabled by global warming, while the dark ages and the black plague were caused by global cooling

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