
Could global warming significantly alter the nice climate of southern california?

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Could global warming significantly alter the nice climate of southern california?




  1. How many of you do we need to burn at the stake to prove GW is the greatest hoax done by man ?

  2. Only after a major earthquake causes it to break away from the rest of the U.S. and float out into the ocean. I don't know that we'd miss all the loons that populate it though.

  3. Don't hold your breath.

  4. I live in South Pasadena, Southern California and I don't think the weather is nice on some seasons.

    But yes global warming could significantly alter the climate in CA.

  5. No, because global warming is a myth.

  6. yes, global waming effects the oceanic current which effects the wind currents

  7. What temperatures and climate has Socal Endured in the last 5000 years? Your question is asked under a faulty premise that global warming is real or at least we humans can effect the Earth's temp.  If we had to do everything the gw crowd says to lower the global temp ( side note: it went down in the last 12mo. cycle) we would be living in caves and riding bicycles.

    Another A.D.D moment I guess some humans believe that there is nothing greater than us. We can control everything. The Earth is one thing we'll never control. It is constantly changing. The sun's volatility has more of a role in the Earth's temp than humans.

  8. global warming would cause a permanent El Nino due to the heating of the ocean.

    Calif would become like Washington state and it would rain a lot.

    now you know calif's secret

    why we want global warming.

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