
Could hanging out in this section give me herpes?

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Could hanging out in this section give me herpes?




  1. lol yes  

  2. in what section?

  3. lol. I wouldn't doubt it. I'm itchy already just answering this question...

  4. Yes.

  5. YES, be cautious! Once daily VALTREX might be for you!

  6. yes now run to mental health.

  7. no u can only get herpes when u have sexual intercourse..or at least thats wat my family life teacher told me..and that guy looked like a pedafile so dont trust me lol

  8. uh ya...  now you are the proud owner of the gift that keeps on giving...

    welcome to the club!  now go get some Valtrex!

  9. just wear a garbage bag over your hair

  10. yes you can and i am giving it to you right now! congratulations, you are now an official Herp Victim!!

  11. lol, protect yourself just in case

  12. lol, ya never know!!! protect ureself just in case.jkjk

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