I've been chatting online with a guy i went to highschool with. We've been chatting for a few months now and i'm noticing some behaviours that might suggest he has Adult ADD...He actually joked about it because he mentioned he had learning differences and i asked him what it was and he said dyslexia and maybe a little ADD..He joked about the ADD, but, now i think he really does have it..He seems very impulsive, and i actually got to talk to him on the phone for the first time and its almost as if he was thinking out loud or something. He's forgetful and repeats alot of things in his messages..He goes back and forth in his decisions to do things..He thanked me for being kind and nice to talk to and said he wanted to meet me one day .He said he would call me back to meet up.He sounded very sincere but said he had so many things to do in such a short period of time that day..Well, he never called me and this was like a week ago..Things seem unstable in his life, finances,work,etc..he's 32