
Could he have Cruel Intentions?

by  |  earlier

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I was with my ex for 3 years. During the last two months of our relationship, he lied to me about seeing another girl. I eventually found out the truth that he was cheating on me. Then, he dumped me for the other chick, and only 2 months into their relationship, he gets her pregnant (unplanned). In the past 7 months, since everything happened, he blocked me on every website. Just last week, however, he suddenly UNBLOCKED me on facebook and myspace. I'm not looking to get in touch with him, but I'm just curious what his intentions/motives might be when it comes to this stupid thing. What would you think?




  1. such a bad feeling for u but no one judge others .least u have judged one type which was bad one but leave the bad and think for the good ones.bad chickens hatch bad eggs my dude


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