
Could he not like the water because of living in Storm Drain?

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Before I got my dog as a pup he was rescued from a storm drain. Could that be why he doesn't like to swim.

He is a Lab mix.




  1. Sure, that could have a lot to do with it.  Poor baby!  Good for you for giving him a good home.

  2. Some dogs just don't like swimming.  The storm drain probably didn't help that any.  If you get a little plastic kiddie pool for him in the yard, he might be able to learn to like water.

  3. He's probably not use to it or is intimidated by it. You have to take baby steps to get him use to the water, just don't throw him in and expect him to enjoy himself. Dogs live in the moment, so although he had a hard past, he can get over it and move on.  Take him around water and just play, give him treats and be really encouraging. Then get into the water yourself and continue playing, fetch would be best. That way he has to get close to you in the pool to hand in the toy. He'll see you having fun and liking it and I"m sure little by little, he'll get use to it and jump in when he's ready.

  4. That could definitely have something to do with it. My dog is terrified of water...will try to drag me into the street to get as far away from sprinklers as he can. I think he was sprayed with a hose in his former home...and that's why he's so scared of water (especially sprinklers and the hose).

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