
Could headaches be caused by my contacts being too strong?

by  |  earlier

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I have had them for about 4 weeks. I started out with 3.25 and then I tried 3.50 and things looked sharper to me so I decided to try those. I had no problems with them the first few weeks, but the past 5 days I have been getting bad headaches, even advil or asprin(ect) doesnt make it completely go away. I CANT THINK OF ANY OTHER REASON FOR MY HEADACHES, BUT IF IT IS MY CONTACTS WHY DIDNT i HAVE TROUBLE WITH THEM AT FIRST?

(sorry about the caps)




  1. Maybe you need more sleep or it just stress have you eye doctor check you out!!

  2. The thing with myopes such as yourself, they can take a lot more power than what they should have, and still see clear.

    But...a side effect is usually headaches.

    The curious thing is how you " decided" to try stronger lenses...were they not prescribed ?

    That 0.25 difference may not have shown right away ,it could take weeks... but over the long run, your brain will be telling you something isn't right

  3. Try not wearing them for a few days and see how it goes for you. I know that when i got my glasses, my eyes felt like they were being pushed to the back of my head, but the sensation went away after a few weeks. You may just need to adjust to the new way the light is being reflected into your eye. You could also be tired. The beauty of glasses is you can take them off easy and rub your eyes to relax them... can't so much with contacts.

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