
Could human civilizations one day become so technologically evolved that there is no use for money anymore?

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In the future, could we become so advanced that we outgrow our present economic systems?

Right now, everything we do is tied to our individual wealth and power. And the power of each nation is based on its economic power and influence, and its resources.

These are the things that nations and individuals strive for.

Could all this change if we reach new heights in technology? Some say humans as we know them will one day cease to exist. We will become "post-humans" as we will be thoroughly interfaced with and integrated with electronics.

Could we, as a species, become so advanced that the things that rule the world today (money, might, etc) are one day meaningless?




  1. nope. things might have a different name, but essentially you're still talking about power. people will always want it, in whatever form it may present itself.

  2. No. The things that rule the world today are so meaningful (especially to those in power) that they will be integrated into all advancements...even inadvertently. Many things will change, but human nature will not.

  3. I Think not..bec.humans have some neccesities to live or to survive..and money is one of the neccesities..even if you say we could outgrow our present economy right now..or even if the future will be super advance and technology is booming everywhere..i guess you cant take  away money..

  4. Today is the scaffolding for tomorrow. We are moving ever forward in our quest for higher values. One day we will seek service instead of personal gain. The profit motive will be left behind for a higher motive of service. The service motive will compel us to ever closer Brotherhood founded on the Fatherhood of God. The world will be united not much different then is the United States and Europe. We will still need a medium of exchange and compensation but it will be of second importance to most for there will always be some how will be left behind and we will need to protect ourselves as we do to day. All higher values have an eternal purpose and will survive as well as those who choose survival for nothing worth while is left behind it continues on with those who choose this higher value and carry the values with them as well as leave them for the next generation to build on.

  5. I don't think we would ever reach that day, because we never had that day. It may have not been money but worth. Way way back they use to trade items on their worth. So the modern day trade is money because of it's worth. So no we will never reach that day where 'money' is not what drives people.

  6. I believe not

    People need resources to survive, people need food, water, shelter. Some areas are poor in resources so the only way for the one who have the resource to give some of his resources is to have something in exchange. Our method today is money. There might be another mean of exchange other than money but the main concept for giving one thing in exchange for something you will need will still exist.

    As long as people need resources they don't have, then the exchange system will remain.

  7. One of the oldest archeological artifacts is a stone tablet. On it is written a list of debts and payments, in the currency of the day.

    I think humans will always value some things and will want to own things that others have. It seems to be part of human nature.

    Science fiction has always given us new and interesting versions of a future which  sometimes comes true. So,who knows?

  8. Technology will not do it.  If it ever happens that people do away with money (or its equivalent, whatever we choose to call units of trade), it will be because someone comes up with a new system of economics that becomes widely adopted.

    I'll note that Gene Roddenberry seems to have foreseen such a society in Star Trek.  But how prophetic was that show anyway, outside of predicting/inspiring personal computers, medical imaging technology, and cell phones?

  9. Thats what they say December 21, 2012 is, a paradigm shift, a change in the perception of our world.

    Me personally though, i don't think we ever will be because there will always be those who work their asses off all day every day and there will always be those who live of other peoples work. To live in an entirely equal society, in power and in money, could never work. What is there to strive for? Personal gain is what drives us.

  10. that's a possibility.... you can't surely answer a yes or a no in a question offering probability...lols

  11. wooo deep

  12. No... but a cashless society is probably not far off.  I know several companies working on "mobile wallets" integrated into your cell phone.

    Then we can look forward to someone in power using thir power and the technology against mankind... or atleast believers in Christ.

    Revelation 13:

    16  He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17  so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.

    RFID chips, bar codes etc. etc.  soon, very soon I think.


  13. That is very possible.

  14. Technology is neither good or bad. Sometimes advances in science are used to our benefit, sometimes the same technology is used to our hurt.

    The problems of this world are not caused by technological developments or the lack thereof. Our problems are caused by our nature. Although we like to think of ourselves as being intrinsically good, the fact is, deep down inside each of us is evil.

    The only way we can be delivered from our own sinful nature is to be changed from the inside out by the power of God. This is what God wants to do for each of us, and this is what he will do for us if we believe on Jesus Christ.

    II Corinthians chapter 5, verses 17 - 21

    "Therfore if any man be in Christ,

    he is a new creature: old things

    are passed away; behold, all things

    are become new.

    And all things are of God, who hath

    reconciled us to himself by Jesus

    Christ, and hath given to us the

    ministry of reconciliation:

    To wit, that God was in Christ,

    reconciling the world unto himself,

    not imputing their trespasses unto

    them; and hath committed unto us

    the word of reconciliation.

    Now we are ambassadors for

    Christ, as though God did beseech

    you by us: we pray you in Christ's

    stead, be ye reconciled to God.

    For he hath made him to be sin for

    us, who new no sin; that we might

    be made the righteousness of God

    in him"

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