
Could humans do telekinesis if?

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I've heard that human beings use under 5% of our brains. Do people who can preform telekinesis use their brain's full potential and if so If all of us used are full potential would we become super humans? what do you think? and be serious




  1. Actually, that 10% of your brain thing is an urban legend.  You use all of your brain, just not all the time.

    There is no known mechanism for telekinesis.  If it were actually possible, then there is something really big we're missing about basic physics.  And considering how long we've been working on it, and how much we know (and it's an incredible amount), I'm willing to bet there's no 'telekinesis particle' hiding from us somehow.

    So no, no matter how much of your brain you manage to utilize, you still can't break the laws of physics.

  2. I think that if it were possible, we would have to have something implanted in our brains, because although we like to think otherwise, we are not really connected to other people.

  3. That's what many of the misled true believers would like you to think.

    The "humans only use a portion of their brain" thing is a myth.  It is a fabricated concept that has no basis in any study or experiment.  On the contrary, people have been shown to use 100% of their brains.  They just don't use 100% of their brains 100% of the time.

  4. no and Professor Xavier wants the wheelchair back...

  5. All of the brain is already dedicated to some function, it's just that the entire brain is not in use all at the same time. So as others have said, it's a myth that we use only 5% of our brain (the more common number I hear is 10%, but that's just as wrong).

    Some paranormal evangelists misunderstand this and explain it poorly, I'm afraid. The brain can be separated into many distinct structures or sections, each with their own set of  functions, but each section isn't fully active all the time. However, PET scans do show that much more than 10% of the brain can be active at one time (e.g., neurons receiving action potentials). Regarding brain usage and intelligence, it is widely accepted among neurologists that it is the strength and number of synaptic connections between neurons in the cerebral cortex which most directly affect the creative intelligence of an individual. The more synaptic connections there are, the more brain cells that are used.

    Anyhow, even if that myth were true and we suddenly increased our brain usage by 10x, there are no nerve tissues, no structures, no hint at all that our brain would have any power to cause forces to act at a distance by sheer thought. Does that mean telekinesis is impossible? No. Just very unlikely.

  6. no.

  7. No. Even if the 10% myth was true, your argument falls short in your second statement. Nobody has yet been able to demonstrate telekinesis outside of illusionists, and con-artists who refuse to prove thier powers are not just illusions.

    But the fact is, we use 100% of our brain power, and we are not super humans.

    The study that that urban myth is based on stated that we only use 10% of our brain at any given time, not that 90% of our brain goes completely unused.

  8. That 5% thing is an urban legend.  We use our whole brain, just not all at one time.

  9. It is actually a myth that we use less than 5% of our brains. Obviously a lot more than 5% is needed to perform all the functions of the body - breathing, digestion, blinking, movement, learning & memory, etc... People who perform telekinesis are no different than you, they just have developed an ability. Just as some girls can balance on their toes and other's can't - they have just taken the time to develop a skill and keep it in practice. We all possess the ability to develop telekinesis, psychic abilities, etc., it's just that most people don't take the time.

  10. Seeing as it's more like 15% I think (I don't really know), and telekenesis is fake, then no.

  11. First of all, the 5% brain use has been revealed as a MYTH - it's not true. Second, people CAN'T do telekinesis - if you see it done it's only a magic trick.

  12. Okay guys.  I have seen studies on telekinesis and I have to tell you that this stuff does exist.  Read this:

    Measurement and observation

    Parapsychology researchers describe two basic types of measurable and observable psychokinetic and telekinetic effects in experimental laboratory research and in case reports occurring outside of the laboratory.[26][22][20] Micro-PK (also micro-TK) is a very small effect, such as the manipulation of molecules, atoms,[20] subatomic particles,[20] etc., which can only be observed with scientific equipment. The words are abbreviations for micro-psychokinesis, micropsychokinesis;[25] micro-telekinesis, microtelekinesis. On the other hand Macro-PK (also macro-TK) is a large-scale effect which can be seen with the unaided eye. The adjective phrases "microscopic-scale," "macroscopic- scale," "small-scale," and "large-scale" may also be used; for example, "a small-scale PK effect."

    Spontaneous effects

    Spontaneous movements of objects and other unexplained effects have been reported, and many parapsychologists believe there are possibly forms of psychokinesis/telekinesis.[22][17] Parapsychologist William G. Roll coined the term "recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" (RSPK) in 1958.[27][28] The sudden movement of objects without deliberate intention in the presence or vicinity of one or more witnesses is thought by some to be related to as-yet-unknown PK/TK processes of the subconscious mind.[25] Researchers use the term "PK agent," especially in spontaneous cases, to describe someone who is suspected of being the source of the PK action.[25][29] Outbreaks of spontaneous movements or other effects, such as in a private home, and especially those involving violent or physiological effects, such as objects hitting people or scratches or other marks on the body, are sometimes investigated as poltergeist cases.[30]

  13. Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature. Humans can already do psychokinesis as evidenced by scientific experiments with positive results that have have been conducted since the 1930's when it was first studied in a scientific manner by

    J. B. Rhine. (links below)

    The 10% of your brain finding is often misunderstood by many people and always explained poorly by skeptics. Humans use no more than 10% of their brains at a time and some theories suggest that using more at one time would cause damage. All areas of the brain are used. However, this does not mean that we use all of our brain, many nuerons and pathways may not be utilized. For example people with genuis level intelligence aren't using more areas of the brain at any one time but they do have more neural connections (more pathways) than the average person and in that sense use more of their brain and use it more effciently.


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