
Could humans survive on another planet?

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A planet different from ours, possibly where life (non-intelligent, plant life) was composed differently from our own Earth plants. Brings it down to the question, what do we need to get from our environment to survive? Could we live off life structured differently from carbon/ DNA?




  1. probably, we would need oxygen and nitrogen, water and food. unfortunatly that probably won't happen in our lifetimes

  2. It would be possible...  perhaps.  Keeping in mind that a planet that would allow non-carbon based life forms to evolve, it would be very unlikely that carbon based life introduced to such an environment would produce any positives.  What would the atmosphere be made up of?  How/what would indigenous life forms used to/for breathing, nutrients, hydration?  I think the specifics of the planet would be more determining of carbon DNA life's ability to survive more than the existing biology.  

    But the interaction could be disastrous.  What if the equivalent of "plants" in a non-carbon form used a form  sulfuric acid as their equivalent of water?  What would we eat, if something like this was consistently in it's food chain? Perhaps we could exist there, but simply starve to death or poison ourselves by eating,  due to the chemistry of the existing life.

  3. there's a chance..but i doubt it

  4. We need plants which produce oxygen to survive. The oxygen in our atmosphere is entirely created by plants (originally phytoplankton in the oceans) so for us to survive on another planet there would have to be some sort of oxygen producing organisms. It's unlikely that a non-carbon based life would produce oxygen as oxygen is a by product of photosynthesis - turning carbon dioxide to carbon and oxygen. If the lifeform was not carbon based it would have no use for creating carbon.

    We'd also need the percentage of oxygen to be fairly close to that on Earth (around 20%) and the rest of the atmosphere to be composed of inert gasses (ideally nitrogen as on Earth). This would imply a balance between oxygen producing organisms and oxygen consuming organisms.

    We'd need there to be liquid surface water and some sort of plant like organisms which produce something we could eat (or to plant our own plants there to eat.

    The temperature would need to be fairly close to Earth, partly for there to be liquid surface water and partly just so we could survive - we can survive in a wide range of temperatures but not higher than about 40 degrees centigrade and not lower than about -20 degrees.

  5.   Likely there are planets that would not be hostile to us.

  6. yes, i think humans will survive on any other planet. but still there are many questions...............abt existence  

  7. If humans can modify their own DNA to change the necessary requirements of a human to that available in the planets, it is very possible. but if the dna of a human subject is changed, the subject will not br a human anymore.... however, modifying the dna is out of range of the current progress of genetic engineering. it may be possible, but in a very distant future.

  8. Maybe but that is a long time from now. We can barely get off of the Earth.  

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