
Could i be a pro photographer any advice or suggestions?

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here are some picturea i took can you tell me which is your favorite and why sorry that one was kinda blurry




  1. I think you're pretty good.....

    just keep practicing, but i LOVE the beach one and the flower best!

  2. just about anybody could be a photographer with some training and practice, take some classes and build up from that.

    it'll help you a great deal, as it would any aspiring photographer.

  3. maybe. these pictures are DEFINITELY not pro material. however, you are creative and have interesting ideas which is the first step to becoming a pro photographer. if you're really interested in it you should take some classes and learn your angles, contrast and lighting. this would make you a lot better trust me. but keep working!

  4. i like the beach one and the mountain one. i say u r pretty gud at it, the compositions r great!!!

  5. you probably want to hear your great! but I like them .I like the flower! also the first one the girl looks like a young Marie Osmand

  6. well....hmmmm....i mus say u got an eye for it....

    i honestly love the mountain pic.

    u capture more than just a pic....the essence of what i see is striking an bold....if you practise timing ur shots to that perfect picture moment you will soon be shocked with what you can do. every few seconds there are beauty , excitement ,passion, joy and sadness. You just gota tune your sences to'll be great!! ...

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