
Could i be a psychic??

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i dont know why but a few months ago i found out i can read auras and i see spirits. i have seen spirits ever since i was little

a weird story was that when i was about 5 i totally remember this, i was upset about somethinga nd i was crying in my room. My great grandfather always gave me those little rolls of pennies. i was holding them with me on my bed and he came in. he touched my shoulder in reassurence and then left. i told my mom about this thing this year and she told me my great grandfather had already died by that time!!!! and there were pleny of things like that. i moved a few years ago and there are just so many places in the house that i am terrified of, the garage, my parents room and the kitchen. there is a terrifying woman in the kitcen and when i see her, my dog sees her too. my dogs nose follows her whne she walks and i see her! its sooo creepy

the auras are pretty dim. i cant really see them unless i focus but theyre there!!!! so what do you think? i get really bad headaches when people are sad right in my forehead. its really bad. like migraines...

help i psychic? a medium? a sensative or something else?





  2. WOW sounds like me im indigo i thoght i might be psychic to but i lernd thet indigos are and in your case it is so cool maybe you are or mabe indigo. that would be cool  sory about my spelling lol i think you have a very spechil gifed sory about my spellin lolll  

    go to it will have a test ther you can tack

    good luck if you wunt you can email me

  3. If you were truly psychic, you wouldn't need to ask this question...nor any question for that matter.  You'd already know the answer(s).

    But thanks for creeping me out.

  4. There is a chance that u r.  you should  research about para psychological groups in your area. and contact them u can also try contacting Lorriane warren.

  5. Well, some people beleive that everybodys phychic. We can al sence different things at different levels. Its all in the work of our brains.

    You see, If I beleived that spirits existed, I might think i see them. Because, if you are satisfied that you  are not going to something (E.X. Spirits), Your brain will then downgrade the sensitivety for that area. Why? Because your sending the messege that that area is usless. s

    What you may be seeing is your brain. (Umm, i know, you said spirits, not a jumble of we noodles). You see, when dreaming, your brain is interacting with your consious mind. Here, your brain can tell you messages, warnings, and you can see what is really happening inside your head. Example: If you had lost some objest, like a key, you might have a dream about a house with no doors or wondows. (No ways of getting in.)Now, years later, you might find this key, and then dream about this house, but finding something like a secret door, therefore ltting you have entrance to the building.  So, yes, to some extent, your phychic. But that does notmean that you have holy powers. (Ooooooo.......). If you are really interested in knowing more i would suggest getting a dream analyzer.

    Hope this helps    

  6. Ok if pychics are mediums 2 and as a pychic myself I think it is safe to say that u are ( I am still in training by another pychic) and this is a true privilage at this time and age

    truley everyone started out as a pychic right when you are born but the social inpact on some people make them feel that pychics are nonsences and they did beilive causeing the ability to be disabled or vanish go away same thing anyways just remeber that you are and this is a privlige use it very wisly ( when u get angry let ur bad energy out through your feet because if u let it come out all which way and u stay angry u could seriously hurt some one pysically and emotionally without acting torward them or talking to them) use it VERY VERY WISLY AND KNOW THat u are

  7. You certainly may have some paranormal sensitivity.

    To explore some of that further, consider taking a course dealing with Reiki. Reiki is a positive use of energy, but certain aspects involve auras, precognition, and more. Just look up Reiki online. Or here are a few links:

    Hope that helps.

  8. It is probably psychic or your sensitive, sometimes I have a really strong creativity, I can like make things that looks like monsters with my creativity, its soo scary! no one else can see it....

  9. impossable,  we dont have technology to read brain waves to tell the truth or lies, the best is a lie detector and thats by measureing  sweat  and heart rates (and other rates) of your body.  So i doubt you can read minds, but there are people that have abilities like to mix sense and other things.

  10. Well, it could be called ESP or simply the ability to see auras. If you wish to expand your conscious abilities, try the Silva Life Sytem and such.

    Everyone can expand their mentality, but some, like you, are born with gifts like this.

  11. The Aura's and headaches are associated with a gift called "Empathic".  Or Empath.  This is very real.

    I'm not sure about the spirits.  There are over 20 different psycic abilities and some people can have skills associated with a few different ones.  

    These gifts are very real and unfortunately can have some upsetting drawbacks.


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