
Could i be about to start my period????

by  |  earlier

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I had my son 1 month ago thru emergency c section. i started cramping a few days back then today i spotted very lightly twice. very lightly like a few spots each time. I stopped bleeding a little after 2 weeks of my c section. So could I be starting my peroid or about to start??? Thanks!!!




  1. You could be, and its not going to be a good experience, some woman bleed up to a month after the baby is born.

    So you could be starting, time will tell.

  2. It sounds like your about to start your period. Lucky you. Lol.  

  3. no worries, you're just about to start your period. after having a child, you can bleed for a while, because blood builds up still inside your vag. all will be fine :D enjoy it, rofl, and i hope you enjoy being a mother! best of luck!

  4. it's about to start

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