
Could i be in boxing for my size ?

by Guest33423  |  earlier

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i'm 5'10'' going into 7th grade i bench 120lbs i weigh 135lbs




  1. Yes, anyone of any height or weight can Box.

  2. ya but i would be careful lifting weights they tighten up your muscles when you box that's the last thing you want you want your muscles to be relaxed so you can punch faster.

  3. You are probably one skinny kid. You should not really be lifting much weights yet, especially not maxing. Wait until 9th grade. But I don't think it matters your build, you probably have amazing reach. I would start now and by the time you are really into it you will be way more mature and able to lift more and gain weight/strength.

  4. You can box at any weight. Because of weight classes.

  5. You can box at any size.

    My brother is 20, 6'4 and 205 or 208 lbs ( I can't remember which one, )

    He's a f*****g great boxer !

    Although, his training is intense, and he has been doing it for years.

  6. there is some one for everyone.

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