hi i my bf and i have been together for almost 2 yrs and he always pulls out. last month, on june 19 or 20 i believe(on my ovulation calculator results this was supposed to be a day b4 my ovulation), he didn't pull out. normally, about a week b4 my period i get sore b*****s, headaches, and a few days b4 i get cramps. last time, i got nothing! i didn't even expect it, as it was a week late! i just woke up, went to the bathroom, and there she was! so, i figured there's no way i could be preggo. but, about a week after my period (which was moderate flow, maybe a bit lighter than usual, and only about 4 days long) i start getting diarriah. at 1st, once every couple days, but lately almost every day! and, more recently i've been getting nautious at the same time, like food poisoning. but, i haven't puked yet. i've heard people say they got their periods during pregnancy, and i've heard ppl say that they got diarriah instead of puking. so, what's the verdict???
ps toooooooo scared to take preg test. need advice please!