
Could i be pregnant on Nuvaring?

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Well I've been on Nuvaring for about 10 months now with no problems, but this month I left my ring in for four weeks to skip my period. Once that sunday (day 28) comes you take your old ring out and insert a new one. Well I took mine out at like 11:30- 12 in the morning and didn't put one back in until 10:30 that night. My boyfriend and I did have unprotected s*x a couple of times between those hours. Thats around 11 hours out so am i still protected? Please help I'm wondering if I'm safe or not from becoming pregnant.





  1. Your chances are high.  Nuvaring is not like the pill how you can just skip and make up a pill.  Once Nuvaring is removed the hormones are no longer in your body.  I was trying and became pregnant within the 1st few weeks of removing my Nuvaring.  With my 1st pregnancy I was on the pill and it took me 4 months for the pill to get pregnant.  

  2. My understanding of Nuvaring is that it is like taking the pill, right?  It puts hormones into your system.  So, there should have still been hormones in your system, even though you hadn't put in the new Nuvaring.  

    But it's not like a condom that keeps the sperm from reaching the egg.  The sperm would still be in there, the Nuvaring just keeps you from ovulating.  So, if you ovulate, you can get pregnant, and even if you use the Nuvaring flawlessly, you could ovulate.

    So, just remember, the only birth control that's 100%, is abstinence.  All other forms of birth control have a failure rate.  Take a pregnancy test.  And you should be using a condom every time you have intercourse, even with the Nuvaring, if you really don't want to get pregnant.

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