
Could i buy a male betta and a female and put them together to mate or will they kill each other?

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i really want to make a betta and let them have babys but i have been told that they are called chinese fighting fish for a reason so if i had a male it would kill other males and females?

is this true and would they be able to mate in a GoldFish bowl its pretty big:)




  1. They say the male betas are so overly dominant that they actually chase the female so much that she actually gets overly exausted and sometimes dies.  Our local petstore suggests that you put at least two females in with one male to keep him satisfied yet it protects any one female from suffering from exaustion.  I'd get a big enough fish bowl for at least 3 fish, and then you should have good results for breeding.  Good luck!

  2. NO!!! Please don't, males are really agressive and will hurt the female. Breeding bettas is really hard. You will need a large tank and specific conditions, you'll need to let the female out only for a specific time, then the male does all the work. You can have 100+ fry and they will need very tiny live food (microworms) that aren't available in pet stores and you'll also need homes for all those fish. And it will be especially hard to get rid of petstore bettas, because they are considered mutts, their genes are bad. It takes a lot of hard work, and you need several tanks as well as a 20 gallon + tank for the fry when they're growing. Visit and look at the breeding section, and you will realize how hard it is. Please don't put male/female bettas together!

  3. no not permanently

    only for mating

    and it Siamese's fighting fish

    and how would you fit a heater in a bowl  

  4. ....Bettas are egg layers the male in one bowl and female in another bowl, place the bowls next to each other

    ....the male will wiggle, shimy and flare, then he should blow a bubble nest

    ...during this period of a few weks the female should become stimulated by his behaviors toward her, and eggs will form inside her

    ....once she appears ready to lay the eggs, only then put her in the bowl with the male....and once she is completed laying the eggs, remover her back to her bowl...her role is complete

    ...the male will scoop the eggs with his mouth and drop them in the bubble nest, then he will fan and guard the nest until the fry emerge should add some java moss to the male's bowl, where he can rest, but also where the fry will spend their fisrt week or two, in relative safety

    ....after the fry emerge, the male can be placed in a new bowl, with more java moss and the fry remain behind to grow

  5. you can put them together but the male might kill it. best if you put both in small separate tanks first so that they are side by side. then when the female has stripes appearing then you can put them in together. putting two males together will result in fighting. and yes it is possible for them to mate in a fish bowl.

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