
Could i call her just to talk? or even ask her out?

by  |  earlier

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We were friends last year in the last half of the year. i stopped talking to her because i was going out with this other girl. we broke up and i started talking to her allot like a couple weeks ago and i flirt with her. shes called me sweet a few times. And we texted for awhile one night when we were both gone. i have her phone number from when she texted me i want to talk to her more could i just call her sometime? Also i am going to ask her out this week for like fri or sat. I ussually cant talk to her alone though, could i just call her and ask her out over the phone? that would only happen if i couldn't ask her in person of course.

were both sophmores in HS




  1. If you want to talk to her more and you can't see her then I would call her.

    If i were her I would much rather you ask me on the phone than a text message.

    And since you don't do well talking on the phone make it short.

    If you have to write what you want to say first.  

  2. Duh, you can call her?

    If you cant ask her in person, then call her

    and ask her.

    I  personally love when guys

    have enough balls to call me, LMAO.



  3. I think that u should just go for it.

    But only if u cant ask her in person.

    if she is calling you sweet and stuff then there is a good chance that she liked you.

    Take the chance and call her talk for a while and if u dont get a chance to ask her in person  then i guess it would be fine to do it over the phone =]

    Good Luck!!!

    Im a freshman in high school =]

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