
Could i do well in rugby?

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im 15 years im 5 foot 7 and im 120 pounds. do you think i am big enough to play rugby on my school team?




  1. If you've got the right skills then why not? You might as well give it a go anyway.

  2. size isn't the most important thing in this game. I play and i'm only 5'4 and only 110 lbs. just pick a postion that is best for your qualities

  3. small is way better than tall as you can make low tackles and if you have the strength then you could do some damage good luck

  4. It doesn't matter how big you are, you've just got to have the balls and aggression in you!

  5. I'm guessing the wankers before me have never played rugby.

    The right attitude for the game and you will go far, . . . bollocks !

    Size does matter. Rugby is one of those games where size really does matter.

    Aren't many five foot seven midgets playing in the first 15 in New Zealand high schools.

    If you need to ask this question on this network . . . you already know the answer. Nothing wrong with playing tennis. Debating is a great way to meet new people. Ever thought about squash?

  6. yeah ur size is ok..what you could do though is go to gym and do a bit of weight are still young though and you will grow taller and heavier..dont worry about your size..just concentrate on getting a place on the team

  7. Ofcourse you are.

    When I was your age we played in grades that were determined firstly by weight and secondly by how good your team was.

    I played all my weight/age grade rugby as a forward. When I played open grade (adult) I switched to the backs; I would have been massacared trying to compete with the big boys in the forwards in senior rugby

    Most important thing ...... have fun.

  8. Mate you are never to small to play rugby

    Remember its the dog int the fight but the fight in the dog.

    All you need the right attitude towards the game & you will go far




  9. You could be. If you're good at kicking passing, you could play five-eighth, since they don't get hit that much and don't need to tackle often.

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