
Could i get in to arizona state with the following...???

by  |  earlier

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3.6 gpa freshman year on 4.0 scale, gonna be a sophomore, live in oregon, 45 hours volunteer work, have a job, play on the basketball and baseball team and will through high school, need 24 credits to graduate and will finish with 30.5, taking honors english, 5 years of spanish, and 2 other AP classes....if i keep it up, het a 1900 on my SAT and a 30 on my ACT, do you think i have a shot at being acceptade to arizona state university?




  1. You are over qualified for ASU and could do much better. I think you will even get merit aid.

  2. Yes you can, you'll probably get a merit based scholarship at ASU. I'd recommend applying the the barrett honors college, its a great opportunity to shine at a big university. Take the PSAT and score very high, try and get the national merit scholarship, its a full scholarship.

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