
Could i get in trouble for stealing all my neighbors trash cans? as a practical joke?

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Could i get in trouble for stealing all my neighbors trash cans? as a practical joke?




  1. I'm not sure, from a legal standpoint any trash placed on the curb is no longer the property of the homeowner due to it being on public land.  I know in my hometown, you "rent" the trashcans from the trash service, so those would be the service's property, however, trash cans purchased by the homeowner would belong to them.  Rather complicated.

    I guess the real question is, are your neighbors the type to participate in practical jokes, or do they tend to get upset over small things?  Only you can answer that.

  2. Do they have a good sense of humor?

  3. Yes, because it is NOT funny.

  4. I'd sure file on you.  But, then again, I don't have a great sense of humor.  I think the courts would lean my way.

  5. hahah it depends on your relationship w/ your neighbors.....are you guys good friends?  if not you probably shouldn't...(ALTHOUGH I highly encourage you to!!)  

  6. that would be funny but you can get in trouble.

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