
Could i get in trouble with the for having s*x at an underage?

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Could i get in trouble with the for having s*x at an underage?




  1. Okay, you shouldn't be having s*x if your underage. If the person your doing it with is over 18, they'll get in trouble. You could get diseases and your parents might be angry.

  2. If you are under 18 and your partner is over 18, or 18, and you are found out, your partner will be brought into court. Legally, an 18+ year old is an adult and cannot have s*x with a minor, even if they are romantically a couple. If the adult is more than 3 years older than the minor, then the charges are more severe. Even if it is just by a few months.

    It is technically statutory rape. Check with your county or state laws to determine what charges would be brought against the adult.

    If you are only have underage s*x, and both you and your partner are underage, well, your parents may get mad but the law cannot do anything.

  3. Actually, to the people that say "as long as your partner and you are both underaged it's fine."

    This varies from state to state. In NJ there is a law that says someone under the age of consent can have s*x with someone up to three or five years older than them. I THINK it's three it might be five. This is to prevent a 13-year-old from being arrested for having s*x with her 14-year-old boyfriend. And then at 16, the age of consent, you can only consent to someone 4 years older than you. Once you reach seventeen you no longer fall into these laws and there is no legal penalty I can find for sleeping with someone who is seventeen.

  4. Not as long as your partner is underage also and you both consent to it. I do strongly suggest you don't do it, there are many risks involved.  You have your entire adult life for s*x, no need to rush things.

  5. My parents would have definitely made sure I wouldn't do it again...

  6. Well, you COULD if you get pregnant or if somebody finds out....

    You shouldnt have underage s*x in the first place!

    Think before you do something...this decsion could change your life!

  7. Depends on what state you live in and how old. In Wisconsin, for example, you could.

  8. Do you want to go to jail?

  9. technically you could if you're under 16. Has anybody ever heard the term 'when you turn 16 you're leagal'? there was a 20/20 thing on the news a few months ago i watch explaining it's illegal if you have s*x under 16. Now i'm not saying people will press charges or that you'll get into trouble exactly, but there is always the possibility...oh an dmake sure the other person you're sleeping with isnt way older becasue if you got pregnant & the hospital found out the age of the other person the hospital could press stagetory rape charges even if your paretns dont care

  10. no

  11. nope ir ur both 17 & under that ur cona be fine ^_^

  12. Only if your boy or girl is 18+ then he'd go to jail cause it's called rape.

  13. No you cant legally get in trouble but maybe by your parents. If you are over age sleeping with a child yes you can.

  14. nah dont worry about it

    remember to use a condom !!!!

  15. noopee as long as u and ur partner are both under eighteen ur finee

  16. legally no but as far as disease and pregnancy yes

  17. you could or couldn't get in trouble, depends on your age of course:) but also your parents standards/religion, they could be very disappointed  and you could get in HUGE trouble, but other than those two things i think your good. hope this helped!

  18. no youll propbably just go to juvie and get disease and cheated on and yea thats all

  19. no u wont get in any legale trouble as long as u r both above or below age of 18 but  can get in trouble by ur parents

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