
Could i get one male betta and maybe 3,4 femal bettas and put them all together in a 10 gal tank?

by Guest61505  |  earlier

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or would the females fight?

i know i cant put to males together they'll kill each other.

but my question is could i put 1 male and a few female in the same tank?

also could i possibly put a sucker fish in there with them or would the male kill it its only 2ich's or so.

or a goldfish

if you know please answer QUICKLY.




  1. You could  put all female or one male and three female in a tank so yes you could.

  2. Yes you can: For Bettas the rule of thumb is 2 females, per male; If you only put on female in with one male, he would harass her too much into shock or death and even tear her fins; two would occupy him so that it would confuse him enough to choose his mate, and he will choose which one he wants and leave the others alone and not harm the one he chooses so much; and also another rule is: plenty of hiding plants, and they prefer floating plants; that is why you hear people substituting plastic kind of containers for their bubble nests because the eggs will be hidden in the nest under a covering so males can guard their nest from any other female and even the one he mated with, because females will eat their eggs, it is the male who takes care of them for about 3 threeks, then you will neec to move him out or away from the baby fry.

    the male will need to be alone, but you can keep the females with the suckerfish as long as it dont get bigger, cuz big fish eats little fish, and you cant put goldfish with other fish, they have to be kept in their own kind.

  3. no, my sister and i have a male and female betta fish and we wanted to breed them so we put them in the same tank and they fought

  4. Male bettas are agressive fish. One male & a couple of females might hurt eachother or have lots of babies.

    If you do put them together make sure the females have a lot of hiding places and another tank to remove them if they are in danger.

    Not so sure if the Goldfish (cold water) and bettas (tropical) would be  compatible. The pleco (sucker fish) might get to big to be in the same tank.

  5. If you want to breed them, keep the females separate from the males until the male starts building a bubble nest and one of the females gets very fat. keep the males water at 72 degrees.  Put the fat female in with the male who built the bubble nest.. It will look like they are fighting and the male may tear the females fines somewhat.Once they have bred take the female out and let the male keep watch over the eggs which he will have blown into the bubble nest.

    The betta should not harm the sucker fish but the long fins of a goldfish could be attacked by the betta.

  6. Uno word: NO!

  7. No, you can't.  Thats the short answer.

    Why?  Males should NEVER be housed with females unless you are breeding them and even than after the female releases her eggs you need to seperate them.  Males and females will fight when housed together and one will eventually kill the other.  Maybe not right away but it will happen.  You can either put the one male in there or you can house 4-5+ females in there.  But not both.  I really don't understand why people think you can do this or where they got this idea from as every book or any breeder will tell you otherwise and often from direct experience!

    Goldfish and Bettas really aren't the best choice of tankmates.  For one thing the goldfish enjoys colder temperatures than the bettas and the goldfish also releases a lot of waste product while a betta likes clean water to keep its fragile fins in tip top shape.  I'd advise against that combo.

    The pleco is fine when housed with bettas while its small but they can get rather huge and at that point its never a good idea to house a huge fish with small ones.

  8. do NOT keep male and female bettas together, they should only ever be together for the 48 hours or so during breeding and that's it. either the male will kill the females, or the females will kill the male. if not instantly, it will happen eventually. especially in the small confines of a 10 gallon.

    goldfish are coldwater fish that should NEVER be kept with tropical fish nor at tropical temperatures, and a 10 gallon is far too small for a goldfish anyway. a large goldfish could eat a betta.

    what kind of "sucker" fish? the only "sucker" fish that can fit in a 10 gallon is an otocinclus, everything else grows too large and is too messy. otocinclus need algae-filled tanks that are at least 6 months old and to be kept in groups of 3 or more. if you have something else, take it back to the store.

  9. i would sugest that is a bad idea usely bettas don't get along at all no matter the gender on some occasions they will but not for me the female might kill the male or the other way around you could keep the male by itself in that tank and get abigger tank say 15-20gal andkeep the females there together but keep cave like rocks there and live plants incase things get ugly so they can hide and run thus the bigger tank or do the same thing with one male and one female no more! or they could get stressed and if it's gonna be just females keep 4 or more because if it is less they fight for the tank but if more they will make a group but monitor them you could put in those other kinds of fish they usely get along but some times the bettas will attack other kinds of fish and it might produce stress on the bettas sharing the tank

  10. Females typically don't fight. and betas a big fighting fish reputation but the thing is they can live with any peaceful less colorful fish especially suckers, they typically are very dull in coloration. here is a compatibility chart-

    but goldfish are cold water and emit too mush ammonia so i wouldn't put a goldfish in there.

  11. no because they can barely be with normal tropical fish so tyhe answr NO

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