
Could i get state farm to pay up for pain an suffering?

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if i was in a car accident and i was not at fault an i got heart and the other car do not have car insurance , could i get the my mom car insurance to pay my acciedent bill and pain an suffering?




  1. No.

  2. If the other car did not have insurace, they are still liable to pay. If they don't pay, sue them for the damages, hospital bills, Pain and Suffering, and if you cant work, sue them for your Wages you would have made working.

    People that don't have insurace don't just get off easy, and your mom's insurance can't legally pay.

  3. "an I got heart?"  oh please.

    People who do not have insurance usually don't have much you can sue them for.  "Pain and suffering" are very hard to collect on in any case, and you'd have to show some real financial loss.

  4. No. All you can do is sue the other driver, insurance or not. "Pain and suffering" is not an insurance claim -- it's a legal term.

  5. That's where uninsured motorist comes in.  If you have that then you can definitely get money from your moms policy, if you are on the policy as well.  I would also go after the person who hit you, they were driving illegally and should be punished IE:pay the bills for the damage they did.

  6. you'd probably have to go to court for that and if you live in a no-fault state, you probably can't sue at all

  7. First off i have to question how old you are b/c your grammer is terrible.  

    But to answer your question, if your mom's policy had uninsured motorist than yes.  Most states require that you carry that coverage so it probably does.  Also, car insurance follows the car, not the named insured, so if you were driving her car all her coverages would extend to you.  

    You'll want to make sure a claim has been filed through State Farm, but they'll take care of you!

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