
Could i have a blood clot? Answers please, 38weeks pregnant.?

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I have these lumps on my lower left leg. There not of any color like a bite, and the size is bigger than a bite. There under the skin. My left foot is also somewhat swollen. However, its difficult to pertain an answer for my swelling foot, beings that i am 38weeks pregnant. My left leg goes numb somewhat where the lumps are. Im worried because i know blood clots can travel to your brain, heart, and lungs. Im going to ask my doctor about them but i dont have my appointment till Tuesday. Answers will help me out sooo much!

Also my lower leg feels warm, but when i touch it, its normal body temperature. It just feels warm, but not to touch.




  1. As you are 38 weeks pregnant I am sure that any responsible doctor or midwife would want to put your mind at rest about these lumps if they are nothing serious.  

    If they are serious, believe me you don't want to be waiting!  I have had three children and know from experience that things can go wrong very quickly.

    The numbness may be because the baby is lying on nerves in your lower back and causing a blockage to the messages getting through.  This could also explain swellings.

    You should rest with your feet elevated as much as possible during the later stages of pregnancy to try and stop your feet and ankles swelling.  

    If these lumps have come up suddenly and you have never experienced anything like this before I would definitely ask to talk to someone at your health centre as soon as possible.

    Good luck with your new arrival when it gets here.

  2. Hon, call your doctor NOW!  This could be considered really important especially since you are 38 weeks along.  Please don't his emergency line or go to the emergency room or urgent care.  The fact that it is feeling warm and swelling is a sign that your leg needs immediate attention.  Don't be afraid to disturb your doctor over this...that is his job!  I wish you luck!

  3. I had the same problem when I was a little before 38 weeks. It could be preeclampsia. Drink plenty of water and elevate your feet. Try sleeping on your left side too. My doctor told me that it would go away but it didn't for me, so hopefully you will have some luck. Let your doctor know because sometimes if it gets severe enough, it can cause problems. Just take it easy and try not to walk around a lot or move a lot. Like bed rest. If you want to ask your doctor before Tuesday, just call a hospital or doctors office and talk to a nurse. Also, you can google it or check out the book "What to expect when you're expecting" under the idex for "swollen".  

  4. it could be just vericose veins which alot of women get when they are pregnant.

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