
Could i have a brain tumor?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to the doctor tomorrow, but i wanted to know anyway. Heres why i am worried:

- my grandmother had one

- i get light headed where i cant see because it either goes bright and/or not visible

- I had a tingling in my whole leg for about 3 minutes out of nowhere

- i had a tingling in my head that felt like the inside was vibrating, and i felt off balance.

- i do get off balance a lot

- i have a horrible short term memory

-i noticed i get very moody

**Note** I do get light-headedness every day and it feels like you are getting high(for all you stoners out there) which is why i will never do drugs.

Even if you can't answer my question, please still keep me in your prayers tonight. Thank you. God bless.




  1. Honey my prayers are with you. I have no idea but youre doing the right thing by going to the doctor and I'll pray for you  god bless

  2. It could be anything from stress, to diabetes, to ms, to anything.  Definitely doesn't sound like a brain tumor.

    You could also be severly anemic.  Doc will let you know something tomorrow.  Until then, ask God to heal you of whatever it is, for a peaceful sleep, and get ready for your appointment in the morning.  

    I'm praying for you....God Bless!  

  3. well i'll pray for you tonight but you could search up the symptoms of brain tumors and see if you have any of them but i hope its not a brain tumor. sometimes when i lie down for awhile then get Back up i feel dizzy for a few seconds and have blurry vision but i was told its probably because not enough blood got to my head.

  4. Listen to these Ladies ^

    We're all with ya, Best Wishes, Get Well, Take Care...

  5. visit the following url

  6. Nope I don't think you have a brain tumor. I think you have an overactive imagination. Brain tumors are not inherited. As for lightheadness you sound more like you suffer from migraines. The lights and the dizziness can be signs of migraine even without you having an actually headache.If you had had a 'mini' pass out for one

    second You would not have even noticed it. I think you are scaring yourself for no good reason and going to see the doctor to be checked out is a good idea so you can put these fears to rest.  

  7. My wife had a brain tumor removed. She was suffering some of your symptoms. But the only way to know for sure is by having an MRI. It's good you are going to your doctor, he/she can give you the best advise. But you should be a partner in your health care, and insist that an MRI be run. Good luck, and do not worry. Most brain tumors are benign.

  8. I have a lot of these symptoms when i get bad migraines. This does not sound like a brain tumor, and I hope and pray it's not.

    Here's a list from the Mayo Clinic of common signs of a brain tumor:

    New onset or change in pattern of headaches

    Headaches that gradually become more frequent and more severe

    Unexplained nausea or vomiting

    Vision problems, such as blurred vision, double vision or loss of peripheral vision

    Gradual loss of sensation or movement in an arm or a leg

    Difficulty with balance

    Speech difficulties

    Confusion in everyday matters

    Personality or behavior changes

    Seizures, especially in someone who doesn't have a history of seizures

    Hearing problems

    Hormonal (endocrine) disorders

    Please know that if you have one or several of these that does not mean you do have a brain tumor. A lof of these symptoms come with many different illnesses...such as **migraines**.

    You may just have chronic migraines and need to be on a prescription medicine for them.  

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