
Could i have alcohol poisining?

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i was drinking cider. i dont drink that oftern anymore just ocassionally. i normally get over a hangover the next night its gone but its been 3 days. here are my symptons, first day i was sick about 20 times, im still naseus even today, i have bad stomach pains, and pains down there just kinda right on the top of my pubic hair to the left side and i have headaches, and my eyes at the botton are all bloddshot but strangely it is like up onto the actauly white of the eye at the botton its a big blob on both eyes and its very scary when i pull the skin down. its never went away. what could be wrong with me?




  1. You should see a doctor immediately. This is not something someone on the internet should try and diagnose. It could be a bladder infection, a urinary tract infection, or any number of things. It doesn't sound like alcohol poisoning In three days you might be dead from alcohol poisoning. chech this website out.

  2. idk about the bloodshot eyes or the pain in your v****a. but i have been hung over for three days before!

    the first 2 days i was puking, i am pretty sure it was alcohol poisoning. drink tons of water even though the thought of it makes me want to puke.

    the bloodshot eyes could have been from puking so hard!?

  3. Yes most probably have had and and now you may have a touch of irritable bowl or gastritis because of it. So drink plenty of water and nothing else for a few days until your body recovers and eat only light foods - soup is good but nothing spicy.You should feel better after 3 days. The bloodshot eyes are due to tiredness, dehydration and toxins in your body.

  4. Possibly, but wouldn't think the best place to be is sitting at a computer. I would see your doctor.

  5. it aint alcolhol poisoning

  6. You may have picked up a bug at the same time as the hangover kicked in. The red eyes are probably burst blood vessels caused by the pressure from being so sick.

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