
Could i have anemia? help

by Guest56635  |  earlier

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my mother is anemic (iron deficiency)

i've been getting very tired lately, could it be anemia?

and is it hereditary, and what are the syptoms/causes?




  1. no..i dont think anemia is hereditary. however..symptoms include fatigue dizziness being cold all the time. being paler than usual. if u pull the bottom of ur eyelid out and look if it is REALLY white..or barely pink..then u r prolly anemic. causes are internal bleeding. heavy bleeding during menstrual cycles and stuff like that. if u want more info go to there is an article of anemia that explains wat it is the symptoms and causes. just type it in the search box.

  2. I found out I was anemic after I lost alot of blood once.  Being tired can be caused by so many different things that it is hard to guess what it is.  The best thing to do is make an appointment to see your doctor.  They can take some blood and run numerous tests to determine whatit could be and if you anemic.  You might also try going to the pharmacy and getting some over the counter iron pills.  They are very inexpensive, but be sure to read the side effects.  You might also try a multi vitamin that contains iron.  Good luck.  I hope you feel better soon.

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