
Could i have bipolar II?

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okays so my moods change rapidly every day. like one hour i can feel really great and happy and feel like i can do anything and then the next hour i can feel so completely depressed and anxious and i just feel like what's the point? and it just goes back and forth like that all day.




  1. No one can really say anything unless they meet you, get a vibe of your personality and ask you some more questions.

    How long has this been going on for and how extreme are the moods?

    Go see a doctor and get a refferal to a psychologist or psychiatrist to get a diagnosis.

    Sorry to hear you are feeling this way.


  2. Maybe Because I work with a man that was diagnosed with bi polar and he has the same symptoms  

  3. Depends what you mean by "great and happy". if you mean normal happy then definitly not.  bipolar does not just mean mood swings  bipolar II you have to have a milder mania......exessive, hyper, high energy, self importance.  If you have that then its possible but you need to see a dr because no one on here can say for sure because other things can cause that too

  4. dude, your normal. being bipolar is way diffrent.

  5. You're normal.  

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