
Could i have fractured my pinky toe?

by  |  earlier

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I hit it really hard on the shopping cart wheel, now its swollen and double the size...anything i can do beside soaking it and ice? we've a wedding to go to next week, and I've got to get into a closed 2 inch heel? any idea? thanks, gang




  1. You could have hurt it maybe even fractured it. I know for a fact you can not brake your little guy. There is really nothing you or an doctor can do for a toe.

  2. You could have. There isn't really anything you or the doctor could do. Sorry!

  3. well, there's no point in going to the doctor- they'll just charge you for something you could have done at home. yeah, your toe is broken. get some comfy gauze to wrap around your toe for the wedding. only time can heal it. sorry! broken toes suck.

  4. try soaking it in as hot of water as you can stand with epsom salts in the water...really it does work!

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if you had, but don't worry, I think it's an average that we break all our toes every year anyway, it's just they way us Bipeds are.

    You've done what you should have done, so now just leave it be and it'll mend quickly if you don't fiddle with it.  

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