
Could i have skin cancer or what is this?

by  |  earlier

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okay so i have this spot in the middle of my b***s, and idk what it is. i at first i just thought it was like dry skin but now its like white. its like half a circle and then a couple dots around it, its not very big like smaller than a dime but idk what it is. i lay out alot and i used to go tanning and thats when it got worse. could it be like skin cancer or something? please help!




  1. Who knows? Perhaps. Only a dermatologist can say. Yahoo can't diagnose you.

  2. It honestly could be anything. I suggest you please consult with your doctor. Just do it! The less time you waste, the better.

  3. Sounds like solar keratosis.  Benign changes caused by sun exposure.  Best to get a doctor to remove it as there is a small chance of developing skin cancer.

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