
Could i make it in Spain if i up and left with $10,000?

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Where would i start? I want to move to Seville and i love doing things without planning.




  1. hmmmmmmmmm


    Make sure you speak Spanish

    become partners with somebody who knows local laws and people and customs.

    legally and or physically

  2. yes you could go. because when you got there just rent a hotel and then go party!

  3. On a very tight budget you could probably last a year....

    a fair wage in Spain is about 1800 euros a month, but most average wages are a bit below that.

    All depends on:

    what skills you have to look for a job,

    how good your spanish is,

    what type of work you are willing to accept

    (And throw in a good dash of luck!)

    If worse comes to worse, always keep enough money aside for a return ticket home!

  4. yes

  5. 10 grand wouldn't last you long unless you budgeted it.

  6. Also learn spanish

    And learn some skills like carpentry and stuff so if you need a job.

  7. $10000 equates to 7200 euros. That's enough for a good holiday and nothing else. I live here and not too far from Sevilla. If you are a European you may get work but if you are from the States then you will have a problem

  8. get a plain ticket

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