
Could i make the olympics?

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Is it possible for a 14 year old with a 12.3 in the 100 meter to cut down to a sub 10 like in the olympics? And is there any chance of winning for a white guy?And i long jump about 16.5 feet. i only jumped once, could i cut down and make olympics in that?




  1. Minimum age for the games is 16.  You've got 4 years until the London Olympics.  


    Train hard.  Every day.  Eat right.  Stay focused.  Get a coach as serious as you are.

    And even then, you might not make the Olympics.  These guys are at the top percent of a percent in their field.  Even being considered for the team and rejected is an honor.

  2. Its possible with a lot of hard work. Don't give up!!!!!!

  3. Not to discourage you, but probably not.

    With hard work, you may be able to get 100m down to mid-to-low

    11's by the time you get out of high school, which isn't too bad.

    With the long jump, I believe one either has it or they don't.

    Way back when, I long jumped 17 ft something on my first try, when the coach was trying everyone out.  I never did improve my distance

    after that first jump.  If your first jump was 18-20ft or more, then

    maybe.  But if your continue to improve on your speed, and develop

    physically, you may be able to increase your long jump enough

    to hit 20 ft, which isn't too bad for high school, and can win your team

    some points.  

  4. this is gunna sound like an after school special, but if you work hard enough, anything is possible

  5. Find an athletic club and join it and get some professional coaching. I can't recall anyone in the modern olympic athletics that has won by coaching themselves. I could be wrong though...but you stand a better chance of success if you join a junior athletic club.

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