
Could i sneak a small bottle of liquor in my pocket at the Hurricanes game???

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Im gonna go to my first Miami hurricanes game ever. I want to drink while im there but i want to bring my own. Do u know if they check heavy at stadiums? I want to put it in my back pocket. Its small




  1. Put it in your sock if you are wearing long pants or your butt if you are wearing shorts

  2. Well i dont approve but i suppose you could put it down the front of your pants, they dont check there and if its small enough it will just make it look like a bulge or you have a ***** :P

  3. it would be found if you put it in your back pocket.  buck up and pay for it like everyone else..

  4. It can be done, I would suggest the linked product below as it is even better for clandestine operations like the one you are suggesting.

  5. I attended a high school football game at our local high school a couple of years ago.  There was a fan from the other team on our side of the stadium talking trash about our team.  I watched this guy pull out a small bottle of hard liquor from his pocket and pour it into a cup of coke he had purchased from our concession stand with our high school logo on it.  A short time later he lit a cigarette at our tobacco free stadium.  I found a couple of police officers and informed them of his actions.  A short time later he was escorted out of the stadium.  The moral of the story is if you plan to drink something that's not furnished at the stadium, stay on your side of the field and don't talk trash about the other team in front of opponents' fans.  Obey all of the other rules so as to not get noticed.  There may be someone like me attending the game.

  6. my friends bring bottles of beer to nfl games and they dont check down your croch so if u wanna bring somethin put beer or and drink right over it

  7. Just crotch it bro... They usually just check your bags if you have any ( camera bags... purses) you'll be fine just don't go taking pulls out in the bleachers in front of security!

  8. Just ask the team for some of theirs.

  9. hahahaha nolano said put it in your butt if your wearing shorts!! whats up with  that dude?!?!

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