I signed up a few semesters ago for an internship for psychology. its required for the psych major. i did not, however, complete this internship and took an incomplete grade. Now it has turned to an F but is not yet included in my GPA. but the thing is i dont relaly wnat to do this internship, i am not really at all interested in psychology, i just want to graduate and be done with my school.
so I'm considering taking the F for the internship and just graduating with a Spanish major. but I'm worried about what this will mean. if i try to apply to grad school later on for Spanish or maybe something else like philosophy or religious studies, will they look down on me because they see i took an F in a one credit internship? also will a gpa of 3.72 look much different from 3.76 which is what it would remain if i did the internship?