
Could i still grow taller?

by Guest33562  |  earlier

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im 15 and 5'1'' and my doctor said im done growing just because ive had my period for over 2 years but every summer every girl my age seems to keep growing (while i stay the same, of course) but my weight (118 lbs) is greater than most peoples my height (im not fat i just weight alot somehow but everyone thinks i weigh like 90) and my shoe size is 7.5-8 which i think is big for my height so do u think ill still grow?




  1. ofcourse!!!!!!!!!!! u will because im 11 and i weight 81 and im 5'3.

    u will grow eventually! drink milk twice a day. not i will make ur bones stronger and make u grow a bit but it will make ur teeth stronger and whiter!!!!!

  2. yes, you can

    try the medicines from one of the countries in east asia

  3. If doctor said no than no. I am 5.1 and popped the same question to a doctor when I was 15. They did my hands x-ray and said I won't grow anymore by looking at the bones, and I did not. Milk will not help. I was offered some pills that could cause growing but those had many side effects, so I refused. I am over 40 now and still 5.1.

    There new pills developed already, ask your doctor and carefully weight pros and cons.

  4. Maybe a little bit, but I wouldn't count on it.

    Bravo to you on maintaining your own definition of "attractive."  You may weigh more, but if you still look great, booyahs to you for not getting anorexic or bulimic about it.  You're a sensible young lady.

    TX Mom

  5. Girls usually stop growing at 15 so you have probably reached your peak height already.  Further growth is possible but unlikely.

    Often there is no further growth 2 or 3 years after your first period so unfortunately your doctor might be right but let us hope that he is wrong.

  6. probably not.  I am 23 and have been 4'11 since I was 11.  Now I wouldn't say that it's impossible because I know some guys who were short like 5'5 when they graduated high school and I see them now and they are nearly 6'0.  Don't give up!!  But being short is cute! LOL

  7. Probably not. I have been 5'2" since I was 12 years old. Your doctor can take an xray of your forearm to examine your growth plate. If your growth plate is small, your bones are probably done growing so you won't get any taller.  

  8. hmmm i wondering the same myself im 14 and 5' 4" ,and hoping to grow alot kause i do volleyball, i was supposed to be 5'8". You might still grow with ur foot size, kause im a size 7.5. get alot of sleep u have a year to grow like an inch or so.

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