
Could i still order the door to door milk delivery in Bristol today? from dairies or farm.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Yes you can still have milk delivered to your door in Bristol.  A milkman manages to wake me up every morning around 5.30 to 6.00am!!  If I can jump out of bed quick enough to see him in the morning I will see which company he works for for you - just before I throw something at him lol.  Will edit this when I know who it is.

    Edit - it's always the same isn't it - when you want him to wake you up he doesn't, sorry no proper answer for you still - but I haven't given up yet!

  2. Try calling local farms. I doubt very much they would do it though as they are probably selling their milk to supermarkets.

  3. I doubt you'll find a farm to deliver. But Dairy Crest will deliver to the door. It costs extra and you'll find that they only deliver to particular areas a couple of times a week. They deliver to us 3 times per week. Yate contact number 01454 326588 or just google Dairy Crest Bristol for your local branch.

  4. this is the best question of the YEAR 2007



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