
Could i take my kitten on a airplane with me?

by Guest33523  |  earlier

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I have a 9 month old kitten and i need to fly from Detroit to Tokyo flying Northwest Airlines for my job. I will be there for a little over a month and i dont want to leave him along. Will i be able to take him on my flight with me?




  1. im moving to israel and their policy is less strict than soem other countries and it is still a huge pain in my A$$. if you are only going for a month i wouldn't put your kitten through that kind of torture. i had to take my cat to the vet to get rabies adn distemper shots, as well as a check up ($138) a week before i go i have to get him back to the vet so he can fill out international health certificate forms (more $$) once im done there i can take my cat home (he hates being out of his territory) but i have to go to my nearest USDA office (about 1 hour away) to get all the paperwork from the vet officially stamped (more $$) 2 days before my flight i have to leave a message at ben gurion airport that im arriving with an animal and i have to fax them papers. it is a massive headache and ton of money (bringing the cat on board itself is costing $260) and i would never do it if my move wasn't permanent. have someone else take care of it! your cat will be miserable in quartine (if tokyo indeed has it) and in an unfamilar hotel room. plus the flight itself is long (i forgot to mention i also had to pay for aceprimizine for the flight)

    but either way, goodluck!

  2. there is a quarantine period... Here's the link

  3. Yes, in a carry-box. You may have quarantine issues to deal with on the Tokyo side, and again when you return, so you should look into that.  

  4. Well, you need to call your specific airline and ask about taking the cat in  a carrier in the cabin for  a fee.  However, your big concern should be if you will be allowed to bring the cat into Japan and if it will be allowed where you are going to stay.  To be practical, I believe it would be much better to leave the cat home with a friend or family member.  He will be just fine.  I went on vacation for a month recently and left my 1 yr old cat with a friend.  He was happy, just fine...and remembered me with no problems.

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